Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy outlines the procedures and principles governing the collection, utilization, and disclosure of your information while using our Service. It also informs you of your privacy rights and legal protections. By utilizing the Service, you consent to the collection and utilization of information as detailed in this Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions


Terms beginning with capital letters have specific meanings as outlined below, regardless of whether they appear singularly or in plural form.


For the context of this Privacy Policy:

  • Account: Refers to a distinct account established for accessing our Service.
  • Affiliate: Denotes an entity controlling, being controlled by, or under common control with another entity, where “control” implies ownership of 50% or more of shares, equity interest, or other voting securities.
  • Company: Referred to as “the Company”, “We”, “Us”, or “Our” in this agreement, it pertains to UsaFilmReview.
  • Cookies: Small files placed on your device by a website, storing your browsing history details among other uses.
  • Country: Refers to Uttarakhand, India.
  • Device: Any tool capable of accessing the Service, such as computers, cellphones, or digital tablets.
  • Personal Data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.
  • Service: Pertains to the Website.
  • Service Provider: Any natural or legal person processing data on behalf of the Company, including third-party entities or individuals assisting in Service facilitation or analysis.
  • Usage Data: Automatically collected data, either generated by Service use or its infrastructure (e.g., page visit duration).
  • Website: Refers to UsaFilmReview, accessible via Https://UsaFilmReview.Com.
  • You: Refers to the individual or entity accessing or using the Service.

Collecting and Utilizing Your Personal Data

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

During Service utilization, we may request personally identifiable information enabling contact or identification. This may include, but is not limited to, email addresses and Usage Data.

Usage Data

Automatically collected during Service use, Usage Data may encompass your Device’s IP address, browser type, visited Service pages, visit time and date, duration on pages, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies

To track Service activity and store specific information, we employ Cookies and similar tracking technologies. These may include beacons, tags, and scripts, enhancing and analyzing Service performance. Cookies come in “Persistent” or “Session” types, the former remaining on your device after browser closure, while the latter are deleted upon browser closure.

Use of Your Personal Data

We utilize Personal Data for various purposes, including maintaining and improving the Service, managing Your Account, contacting You, providing news and offers, managing requests, analyzing data, and for business transfers, among others.

Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be shared with Service Providers, affiliates, business partners, and other users based on various circumstances, including for Service analysis, business transfers, or with Your consent.

Retention of Your Personal Data

We retain Your Personal Data only for necessary durations, complying with legal obligations and for internal analysis purposes, ensuring adequate security measures during data transfer.

Deletion of Your Personal Data

You have the right to request deletion of Your Personal Data. You can manage Your information through Your Account settings or by contacting Us. However, certain information may be retained as required by law.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

Under certain circumstances, we may disclose Your Personal Data in accordance with legal obligations, business transactions, or for security reasons.

Security of Your Personal Data

While we employ commercially acceptable security measures, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is entirely secure.

Children’s Privacy

Our Service does not target individuals under 13 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect their personally identifiable information. We comply with applicable laws regarding parental consent.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to third-party websites, for which we are not responsible for content or privacy practices.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically, with notice provided prior to changes taking effect.

Contact Us

For inquiries about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via email at [email protected].